Racial Committee
In our anti-racist journey, we understand the need to articulate actions and groups aimed at the racial debate and agenda in the fashion industry. Then, in November 2020, the RACIAL COMMITTEE, composed of black people from our network from north to south of Brazil. Viviana Santiago*, a specialist in gender and race, guided the creation of the space and highlights how "implementing a race committee allows Fashion Revolution Brazil to be always reminded of the urgency, importance and non-negotiability of the racial issues to promote a revolution in fashion." After all, the connections between fashion and race are manifold.
Taya Nicaccio, a member of the Committee, points out that many of these relations occur through racism, the dominant structure of social relations. "Race and fashion have always walked side by side, under a standardised look that skew towards Eurocentrism. This is one of the main reasons why we do not see black people and native peoples being presented as authors of their own narratives and references in spaces belonging to fashion," she points out.
Considering the current reality of the fashion industry, with low levels of presence, belonging and financial emancipation of racialised professionals and minority groups in the Brazilian fashion sector, and believing in our potential
to contribute to the process of revolution in fashion, we expanded our scope and embraced, in addition to black, indigenous and non-white people, also LGBTQIAPN+ people, people with disabilities and other minority groups.
Thus, nearing its two-year anniversary, the committee is now called the Fashion Revolution Brazil Racial Committee. Follow the people who are part of the Committee and our anti-racist journey to revolutionize fashion: @fash_rev_brasil.
Questions, suggestions and brainstorming of ideas can be sent to frd.comite@gmail.com
Ana Fernanda Souza
Coordinator of the Racial Committee
“O Comitê Racial Fashion Revolution Brasil está sendo construído e fundamentado no princípio da circularidade, uma ideia de evolução de origem afro-indígena, onde, assim como a figura geométrica, o começo e o fim se encontram. Uma concepção cíclica e não-linear que promove a interação entre os sujeitos participantes, valorizando a capacidade individual de cada um, para assim fluir a pluralidade cultural e estimular todes participantes a se sentirem parte fundamental desta evolução”.
Find out more about the Committee, read our article published on the Fashion Revolution Brasil blog on the Carta Capital website: “The urgency of racial equality and diversity in the fashion industry”
Racial Committee in the Media
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Consider making a financial donation to the Fashion Revolution Brazil. Your donation will also contribute to the expansion of our movement, which aims to diversify, inform, mobilise communities and bring together people and organisations across the country to take collective action to address the systemic challenges of the fashion industry.